Sunday, April 1, 2007

Fifteen Random Facts about me

100% true
1. I am a Gemini
2. I never went to school till 11th & never got any tuition in my whole life.
3. I have been fan of almost everything.
4. I am all time fan of rock music on contrary I am too emotional
5. I sometimes cry like 10yrs old – almost every time when ppl help me for no reason OR when I feel like being selfish
6. I am 25 and people get surprised by that I duno why
7. I used to hate myself (one reason that I am selfish ) (now sometimes I like myself ) --it's because over a period of life I realized that I am not that bad.
8. I wanted to do suicide but then postponed thinking world is not that bad and also there are many other ppl living worse life than mine. Well I keep postponing it that’s why I am alive :p
9. Still trying to understand what’s love & how can people hate others for their loved ones.
10.I like falling sick to get people’s affection
11. I am big fan of Warren Buffet & Kurt cobain
12. I lie that I never lie :)
13. I regretting being selfish; I eat non-veg that's too selfish of me.
13. I want to be catcher in the rye :)

Disclaimer: I am posting it on 1st April :)


himg said...
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himg said...

ati sundar ati sundar..interview is quite good