Sunday, April 1, 2007

In My Way

There are only two important things to do in a plan. and first one is to guess what's second.

Execution in My way:
1. Try to optimize for few things in any execution. I think 80% of any goal is affected by 20% of points. Generally it’s useful to optimize for just 20% and leave rest alone.
2. It’s all about doing better in current situation. There is no ideal world.
3. Use your strong points and avoid weaknesses.
4. It’s about doing it now
5. Just follow top two points J

Planning in my way
1. Do telescopic planning & basically do not make detailed plan of far away things.
2. Don’t plan for things you do not plan to execute.
3. Planning is all about enumerating many and then selecting 20% to execute
4. Do not leave the big picture & keep your opponents and your strengths weakness in mind.

Life in my way
1. Enjoy it before it melts
2. Think today is the best day
3. Do not spoil today for better tomorrow
4. It’s about moments you remember not breaths

follow KISS principle if not give me call -- an idiot

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